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ispyb.simulate creates a new DataCollection row in the ISPyB database from a simple yaml definition. It creates a data collection, related sample information, and associated shipping entities. It then copies some raw data and associated snapshots (and thumbnails).

Simulate a data collection:

ispyb.simulate <beamline> <experiment>
ispyb.simulate bm23 energy_scan1

The simulator will create hierarchically a component (Protein), related BLSample (with intermediate Crystal), and potentially a SubSample, contained within a Container, Dewar, and Shipment belonging to the specified Proposal if they do not already exist with the defined name. Then the simulator creates a DataCollection and DataCollectionGroup, linked to the relevant BLSample and BLSession. If grid info information is specified it will also create an entry in GridInfo


The configuration file location is defined via the SIMULATE_CONFIG environment variable. An example configuration is available in examples/simulation.yml. The structure and requirements of this file are documented in the example.

Each entry in experiments represents a different data collection. The experimentType column relates to a DataCollectionGroup.experimentType entry so must match one of the available types in the database. See experimentTypes for a full list.

Available columns per table#

The ISPyB tables are large, and as such only a subset of the columns are exposed by this simulator, the most pertinent in order to create usable data collections and associated entries. These are as listed below for each table.

Component (Protein)#

  • acronym
  • name
  • sequence
  • density
  • molecularMass
  • description


  • name


  • x
  • y
  • x2
  • y2
  • type


  • imageContainerSubPath
  • numberOfImages
  • wavelength
  • exposureTime
  • xtalSnapshotFullPath1-4


  • steps_x
  • steps_y
  • snapshot_offsetXPixel
  • snapshot_offsetYPixel
  • dx_mm
  • dy_mm
  • pixelsPerMicronX
  • pixelsPerMicronY


The simulator can trigger events before and after the data is copied using the ispyb.simulator.before_datacollection and ispyb.simulator.after_datacollection entry points. These are passed just the new DataCollection.dataCollectionId.